Inspired by the role the interior environment played while critiquing the restaurant scene of Austin TX, Cord sought out designers of these spaces to get a glimpse behind the scenes. After a visit with MHA, the passion of the designers coupled with the forward-thinking, multidisciplinary collaboration between Architecture and Interiors, Cord left his career in hospitality management to focus on interior design. Cord has been involved in Multifamily Architecture and Interior design at MHA since he graduated from Texas State University in 2021 with a Bachelors of Science in Interior Design. He is an asset for MHA, providing insight to our in-house holistic approach to designing spaces at a human scale. This benefits our clients with a lens into the user experience from the inside out before Interior design consultants are engaged. In addition to design, he enjoys spending time with his wife and dog, plucking an acoustic guitar, and a good cup of Ethiopian coffee.